Bojan Veljanovski's Tech Blog

A blog about software development and architecture.
  1. SSH Snippets in Windows
  2. RabbitMQ Snippets
  3. PostgreSQL Snippets
  4. NPM and NVM Snippets
  5. Chocolatey Snippets
  6. AWS CLI Snippets
  7. Problem-Solving Guide for Developers
  8. What to Log
  9. PowerShell Cheatsheet
  10. How to Setup Serilog in Windows Service .NET Core Worker Projects
  11. Building Windows Service applications in .NET Core
  12. A step-by-step example in pseudocode driven programming
  13. Exporting C# objects to Excel with ClosedXML
  14. Overriding services in ASP.NET Core integration tests
  15. Custom appsettings configuration in ASP.NET Core integration tests
  16. Setting up PostgreSQL with Docker Compose
  17. Retrying failed HTTP requests in .NET with Flurl and Polly
  18. Building dynamic SQL queries in .NET using SqlKata
  19. Strongly typed AppSettings configuration in .NET Core with validation
  20. Select N+1 Problem
  21. Extending Select2 with Adapters
  22. Refactoring a feature envy code
  23. Visual Studio 2017 Notes
  24. Fix Razor Views Compilation in ASP.NET MVC
  25. Extensions I use with Visual Studio 2015
  26. Global Day of Coderetreat 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia
  27. Feature by Folder Structure in ASP.NET MVC5
  28. Refactoring business rules with the Specification Pattern
  29. Getting Started with Rhino Security and StructureMap
  30. Database Development Guide for .NET teams with FluentMigrator (2014 edition)

More posts can be found in the archive.