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NPM and NVM Command Snippets

Installing node.js and npm in Windows via NVM using Chocolatey #

Start Command Prompt as Administrator and run this command:

choco install nvm

nvm install latest  # or you can replace 'latest' with a specific node.js version 

Using NVM #

Display the currently active version:

nvm current

Install node.js in specific version or in 'latest':

nvm install <version>

List the node.js installations you can choose in nvm use:

nvm list

Switch to use the specified version:

nvm use <version>

Examples: switch to use different versions:

nvm use 21.6.2
npm install     # uses the 21.6.2 version
nvm use 18.16.0
npm install     # uses the 18.16.0 version
nvm use latest
npm install     # uses the latest version

Using NPM #

Install everything in project's package.json:

npm install 

List the installed versions of all dependencies in this project:

npm list

List only the outdated depedencies in this project:

npm outdated

Additional Resources #